At Wudinna Kindy we believe that Early Childhood is the foundation on which children build their lives as they learn life skills and make sense of the world around them through play. We believe young children learn best when they are happy, having fun, have strong relationships, a sense of belonging and they are actively engaged and interested. We encourage children to have a voice in their learning, to think critically and creatively, to solve problem, to act independently and to work collaboratively with others. We connect with our local environment through Nature play and we have a strong relationship with our local community who have a shared commitment to the future of our youngest citizens.
Our Kindy motto is:
“At Wudinna Kindy we are learning for life”
Review by Children, Educators, Families and Governing Council 13/02/2020
Our Guideline Booklet for parents will provide you with detailed information about the services and programs we offer at Wudinna RSL Memorial Kindergarten.
Session Times
Our kindy session times are: 8:25am – 3:35pm Tuesdays and Thursdays.
We hold our 4 pupil free days on non-kindy days to reduce impact on families. These additional hours make up the full 600hr entitlement.
Children may attend kindergarten via the school bus depending on available spaces. All children attending our kindergarten program are offered supervised lunch time care.
For more information on our Kindy Program, please download the Parent Guideline Booklet or call the kindy on 08 86802252 or our kindy mobile on 0428239946.

Occasional Care Sessions
Wudinna Kindy’s Occasional Care program is short periods of care for children aged between 2 and preschool age. Families can access Occasional Care on either a regular or irregular basis though bookings are made a term in advance.
Parents use Occasional Care for a variety of reasons, including casual, shift- work or part-time work; respite care; crisis and emergency care, shopping or attending appointments.
The benefit of Occasional Care is it provides families with the flexibility to leave their children in a caring and interactive early childhood learning environment to play, learn, socialise and interact with other children. Children have the opportunity to learn through play, interact with other children, develop social skills including speech and language skills, numeracy skills and fine/gross motor skills.
Our Occasional Care program is offered each week on Thursdays and is run by Diploma trained Early Childhood Worker. Session times are from 9.00am to 11.45am and 12:30-3:15pm.
Please call the Kindy with any queries or to register your interest in bookings next term 08 86802252 or on our kindy mobile 0428239946.

Department for Education
The Department for Education provides a range of integrated education, training, health and child development services to benefit children, young people and families. The department works to improve children’s and young people’s education, safety and developmental outcomes from birth through their transition to adulthood.
Great Start
Great Start is a Department for Education website which has plenty of ideas and activities that can help you make the most of everyday learning and events. Families are busy so included are ideas for activities that you are already doing, ideas that may be new and will only take a few minutes and others that will take longer. There is also extra information for you if want to learn more about the literacy and numeracy that your child will be developing and how this will link to learning in later life.
CFS fire bans
CFS fire bans please note if the fire rating is catastrophic for the west coast fire ban district, school buses to Wudinna Kindy and School will not run. please read the bushfire action plan above for more details.
Wudinna Area School
Wudinna Area School Wudinna Kindy feeds into Wudinna Area School. please click here for more information.
Health Direct
Health Direct If you have a health concern and you’re not sure what to do, simply call 1800 022 222* and speak with a registered nurse. You’ll get fast, expert advice about any health issue, helping you make an informed decision about how to manage it. GP’s are also available when required.
Headlice Information
Headlice are social pests and rarely pose a threat to health. Outbreaks can be controlled if parents regularly check their children’s hair for head lice and follow the recommended treatment methods if they find active lice.Kindergartens play a role in preventing the problem spreading. This includes staff contacting families to notify them if their child has head lice so that they can arrange treatment for their child.
Parents are responsible for:
- detecting and treating their children for headlice
- notifying the Kindy
SA HEALTH: You've got what?
Infectious diseases are illnesses caused by the spread of microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, fungi or parasites). They spread from human to human, animals or the environment, including food and water. We ask that should your child be unwell that you seek information from a reputable source including the SA Health website OR your local Doctor. In an emergency please phone 000.
“Be You” – beyou.edu.au
Be You is the national mental health in education initiative delivered by Beyond Blue, in collaboration with Early Childhood Australia and headspace. Be You supports educators from early learning services and schools to develop a positive, inclusive and resilient learning community where every child, young person, educator and family can achieve their best possible mental health.
When can your child start preschool
UV rating
UV rating the daily uv rating at kindy determines how we utilise the outdoor space and our expectations around wearing hats. We monitor the rating daily and if over three implement our sun smart policy.
Wudinna District Council
Wudinna District Council Wudinna RSL Memorial Kindergarten is within the Wudinna District Council area. For more details on the Wudinna area, please click below.
Parenting SA
Parenting SA The ParentingSA website has access to Parent Easy Guides (PEGs) which bring simple, easy-to-read information on many of the issues faced by parents from birth through adolescence. The PEGs represent a valuable information source not only for parents and those caring for children, but also professionals. They have been developed from research in conjunction with appropriate experts and are widely used throughout Australia.
Lifeline provides access to crisis support, suicide prevention and mental health support services.
People call Lifeline’s 24 hour crisis support service 13 11 14 about many things including: Anxiety, Depression, Loneliness, Abuse and trauma, Physical or mental wellbeing, Suicidal thoughts or attempts, Stresses from work, family or society and Information for friends and family.
Kindy t'shirt orders
Wudinna Kindy now source all of their uniforms from Eduthreads and parents are able to order uniforms sent direct to them from this one convenient site.
Starting Blocks
Starting Blocks is a starting point to:
- learn about children’s developmental milestones
- understand what to expect from an early childhood education and care service
- find services and learn about their quality ratings
- get tips on starting child care or preschool, and what can be done at home to encourage your child’s learning and development.
Department for Child Protection
The Department for Child Protection are working to keep South Australia’s children safe by protecting them from abuse and harm, and providing alternative care for children and young people when living at home is no longer an option.
Site specific policies/procedures
Site Policies are reviewed by Governing Council on a scheduled basis. Additional Department for Education policies can be sources at: https://www.decd.sa.gov.au/department/policies/departmental-policies
Acknowledgement of Country
In 2017, the children of Wudinna Kindy were involved in an inquiry project to develop an Acknowledgement of Country for our kindergarten.
“We the children of Wudinna RSL Memorial Kindergarten would like to say thankyou to the Aboriginal people – the traditional owners of our land. Thank you for looking after the country. Thankyou for giving us a place to go so that we can play on the land with our friends, see things growing like the trees, animals, and flowers for giving us a place to learn about it together.”
Here is the land, here is the sky, here are my friends and here am I. We stand together, hand in hand, to respect and honor the Barngarla People, the traditional owner of the land.
Wudinna RSL Memorial Kindergarten

Wudinna RSL Memorial Kindergarten
Port Lincoln Portfolio
Central Eyre Partnership
Feedback & Complaints
Let us know if you have feedback or a complaint, or if you want to give us a compliment. Feedback is valuable as it helps us shape our services to meet your needs.
Department for Education trading as South Australian Government Schools & Preschools